Master Program of Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, officially succeeded in obtaining the AUN-QA international certification in February 2022 after participating in a field assessment on June 7-11, 2021. The certificate is valid for five years (2021-2026). The success of the Master Program of Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada in obtaining international certification is very strategic as a step forward towards international standard higher education and towards international accreditation and expected to open up opportunities to participate in the AUN-QA program of activities, and to expand the higher education network in ASEAN in the field of performing arts and visual arts studies, for example in organizing conferences, workshops, training, as well as student and staff mobility.
On December 9, 2021, at the Alana Hotel, Yogyakarta, the Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies (PSPSR) held a Work Program Evaluation and Projection Meeting (evaluation meeting for 2021, program activities, and strategic plans for 2022). The discourses that emerged in 2021 became an exciting reflection to welcome 2022. Apart from being related discourse, the demand to maintain a superior reputation position as Indonesia’s first art study program needs to be adequately maintained. Consolidation of adjustments to policies related to regulations, education systems, educational philosophy in PSPSR in higher education operations is continuously anticipated by preparing strategies accompanied by effective and efficient programs related to art discourse in the future.
Postgraduate students of the UGM Performing Arts and Fine Arts Study Program (PSPSR) batch 2020 held community service activities in Pucungsari Village, Teneran Hamlet, Grabag, Magelang. This activity was accompanied by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M. Hum. Community service activities are indeed one of the annual activities routinely held by the UGM Graduate School PSPSR study program. This activity involves students to go directly into the community and carry out various activities with the community. Service activities as a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The purpose of holding community service activities is as a means for PSPSR 2020 Postgraduate students to present dialogue in the field of art with the community, provide education, innovate visual arts to the community, and help revitalize local arts in Pucungsari village, Grabag sub-district, Magelang.
Dalam Rangka Program Pengabdian Masyarakat 2021, mahasiswa S2 angkatan 2020 Program Studi Magister Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada mengangkat tema “Kolaborasa”. Dalam rangkaian pengabdian tersebut, mempersembahkan:
“Menapak jejak tradisi di tanah Teneran”
Hari, tanggal : Sabtu-Minggu, 6-7 November 2021
Jam : 08.00-selesai
Lokasi : Dusun Teneran, Desa Pucungsari, Kecamatan Grabag, Kabupaten Magelang, Provinsi Jawa Tengah
Pergelaran Wayang Kulit Virtual dalam rangka Malam Puncak Dies Natalis ke-30 Prodi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa (PSPSR) UGM.
Waktu Pergelaran
Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2021
Pukul 20.00 WIB – selesai
Ki Purbo Asmoro, S. Kar., M. Hum.
Kanal Youtube Purbo Asmoro Official
Kanal Youtube PSPSR UGM
Narahubung: Agus (082146402416)
Dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-30, Prodi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM (selanjutnya disebut PSPSR) dan Aspirasi Seni mengadakan seri diskusi yang bertajuk Forum30. Forum30 merupakan ruang diskusi yang mengelaborasi tema Dies Natalis PSPSR tahun 2021 ini, “The Future of Arts”.

Pada seri keenam, Forum30 akan menyelami praktik pendidikan seni dan menyiasati bagaimana ia bermain kelak. Lebih lanjut, Kami melihat bahwa terjadi kerancuan dalam pendidikan seni dalam “memanfaatkan” teknologi yang dikhawatirkan akan menggerus aspek psikologis, kognitif, dan daya kritis guru dan siswa, terutama dalam pendidikan seni. Bagaimanakah posisi interaktivitas pada praktik pendidikan seni di masa yang akan datang? Apakah ia memiliki muatan relasional-nya atau hanya akan bersifat teknologis semata? dan apakah elemen bermain, kesenangan, dan keintiman yang biasa ditemukan dalam ekspresi pendidikan seni yang berbasiskan teknologi masih mengusung semangat humanistik dan semangat basis pendidikan seni?
Siasat Pendidikan Seni Kelak
Kamis, 30 September 2021, pk. 15.30-17.30 WIB
Prof. Anita Lie , MA., Ed.D.
Pakar Pendidikan, Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya
Dr. Hajar Pamadhi, M.A.Hons.
Pakar Pendidikan Estetika, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyag Fitriasari, M.Hum..
Kaprodi S2 PSPSR UGM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 5355 3651
Passcode: PSPSR
Livestream Youtube melalui kanal PSPSR UGM:
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In his speech, Dr. Budi Irawanto (Head of PSPSR Doctoral Program) said that our topic was a derivative of the big theme “The Future of Arts,” one of which was triggered by the pandemic phenomenon, how art is produced, presented, discussed, and circulated in the future. Furthermore, this discussion looks further into how the future of art is emerging in specific art fields. “Continuing the conversation about art-data, new media art, and so on, and this time we will look specifically at how performing arts position themselves in a pandemic condition and especially in the era of digital technology which certainly raises new challenges when screen culture is in dominant position,” said Budi.
Yudi Tajudin explained the project “UrFear: Huhu and the Multitude of Peer Gynts.” Yudi explained the show network with a modular approach, which was staged on a specially designed interactive website. Modular is a method for working with diversity, both in terms of the diversity of issues and the aesthetic diversity of the collaborators—next, modular experimenting with various modes of performance in a plural-universe (pluriverse). UrFear is “staged” on a scheduled basis for one month; there are certain hours and days on the website from October 31, 2020, to November 30, 2020.
Multitude of Peer Gynts is part of a long project that started in 2018. Multitude of Peer Gynts is an inter-Asian contemporary theater collaboration project that explores and performs “fear/anxiety” and “mobility/immobility” issues in contemporary Asia using Henrik Ibsen’s manuscript, Peer Gynt, as a dramaturgical framework.
Research and work in progress in Flores (June-July 2019), Tokyo (August-September 2019), and Shizuoka (October-November 2019). The premiere of the performance will take place at the Shizuoka Performing Arts Center (SPAC) on November 4-19, 2020.
The planned performances for July 2020 and beyond should be in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, and other countries. However, due to the pandemic in March 2020, this project will not be physically implemented. At the same time, discussions about live performances being transferred to digital format and via the internet are intensively carried out. Yudi tried to accommodate that, who presented UrFear in a specially designed interactive website. The works, artists, and presentation modes of UrFear: Multitude of Peer Gynts (2020) include (1) “The Search for the Lost Favorite Song,” featuring artists MN Qomaruddin, Abdal Majed Danko, Abu Baker, Alyas Hassan, and Alhadi, of which four the last name is a refugee from Sudan who is in Jakarta. The mode of the show is pre-recorded game-theater, with chatbox interactions; (2) “Tana Tani (Tanah Grief)” featuring East Flores Theater Artists (STFT). Concept and directing by Silvester Hurit and Inno Koten, who played the film-theater mode (pre-recorded); (3) “On the Origin(s) of Huhu” by Abdi Karya, which is presented in a lecture mode (Live) with multi-camera; (4) “Monopoly: Assylum Edition” by Andreas Ari Dwianto. It features a monologue with an interactive digital-game monopoly; (5) “About the Ghost Worker Dancing in Your Shoes” Arsita Iswardhani, The mode of the show is (live) long-durational performance (4 hours) with two cameras; (6) Venuri Perera’s “On Gaze and Anonymity (or See You Don’t See Me)” with recorded lecture performance mode; (7) Darlane Litaay’s “Dancing with the Minotaur” is a solo dance recorded with 6 cameras and 6 angles where the audience can choose which angle will be their point of view; (8) “Savior for Beginners” from Gunawan Maryanto with a monologue/interactive lecture (live) performance mode where the audience is free to choose the costumes, narration, and style to be displayed; (9) “Aase’s Dreams” by Micari Fukul, which features a recorded film-theater mode; and (10) “Huhu’s UrSound” by Yasuhiro Morinaga in collaboration with Nyak Ina Raseuki. They put on a recorded sound/audio show.
Yudi said that when Teater Garasi found out that they could not perform due to the pandemic, they were reluctant to do online shows. However, the reflection on the issues raised in the project UrFear: Multitude of Peer Gynts about fear and anxiety and mobility and immobility is considered very appropriate to the conditions experienced. Therefore, they consider the issue mandatory but with the development of digital technology by inviting Wok the Rock as one of the collaborators. The staging room through the website is an exclusive space setting to represent the space and physical stage of the performance. They still prioritize the concept of “here and now” to still be simulated to maintain liveness, intimacy, and interactivity.
In addition, online performances also consider the nature of the internet to provide audience experiences in enjoying online performances that cannot be found in live (offline) performances. The concept of online live performances provides a new creative power, for example, providing the audience with the opportunity to gain new affection and experience in enjoying performances with new modes as a reinterpretation of intimacy and interactivity even though they are in a different real space. Beyond the discussion, the dialogue that takes place both on the artistic agenda and on the political agenda in the media can open a wider, newer sensibility for these media.
What was conveyed by Yudi Tajudin was in line with the response from Lono Simatupang, who started by inviting him to see the events of the performance from the audience’s point of view. The virtual space provides affection and an interactive experience when the audience is actively involved in the game with the artist. Alternatively, the audience makes their own, for example, by “nonton bareng” which is done with a mature setting to become a new atmosphere in watching online shows. The freedom and new habits of the audience to enjoy online shows need to be explored. Growing online performance service providers starting from ticketing, merchandise center, which became new specialists.
Discussion archive can be accessed HERE.
Dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-30, Prodi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM (selanjutnya disebut PSPSR) dan Aspirasi Seni mengadakan seri diskusi yang bertajuk Forum30. Forum30 merupakan ruang diskusi yang mengelaborasi tema Dies Natalis PSPSR tahun 2021 ini, The Future of Arts.
Pada seri kelima, Forum30 akan menjelajahi praktik dan kinerja dari pergelaran tertayang. Lebih lanjut, Kami menatap praktik dan pemikiran Yudi Ahmad Tajudin untuk mengartikulasikan jelajah dari UrFear Huhu and The Multitude of Peer Gynts. Apakah interaktivitas (interactivity) yang mencuat dari praktik seni di masa pandemi ini memiliki muatan relasional-nya atau lebih karena imperatif teknologis semata? Bagaimana negosiasi tersebut berlangsung? Apakah elemen ‘bermain’ (playfulness) yang bisa ditemukan dalam ekspresi seni pertunjukan yang berbasiskan teknologi masih mengusung semangat emansipasi (emancipation)? Selain itu, diskusi ini juga akan mengelaborasi beberapa hal, seperti: (1) Technological-Based Art Practices. Di mana praktik seni kian berkelindan dengan teknologi yang mengubah cara produksi, presentasi, sirkulasi, eksebisi dan proses konsumsi. (2) Mediating Liveness in the Age of Screen Culture. Di mana diskusi juga akan membahas tantangan seni pertunjukan ketika bermigrasi dari panggung proscenium ke layar dengan segala bentuk artikulasi/ pengungkapan baru.
“Menjelajahi Pergelaran Tertayang”
Senin, 30 Agustus 2021, pk. 15.30-17.30 WIB
Yudi Ahmad Tajudin
Sutradara, Seniman Teater, Teater Garasi
G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang
Antropolog, PSPSR UGM
Dina Triastuti
Kalanari Theater Movement, Alumni PSPSR UGM
ZOOM Meeting ID: 893 5355 3651
Passcode : PSPSR
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#Forum30 #PSPSR #Aspirasiseni #TheFutureofArts
Dalam rangka Dies Natalis ke-30, Prodi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Sekolah Pascasarjana, UGM (selanjutnya disebut PSPSR) dan Aspirasi Seni mengadakan seri diskusi yang bertajuk Forum30. Forum30 merupakan ruang diskusi yang mengelaborasi tema Dies Natalis PSPSR tahun 2021 ini, The Future of Arts.
Pada seri keempat, Forum30 akan membahas big data dan babak baru seni rupa. Lebih lanjut, Kami menatap praktik dan pemikiran Pak Hokky Situngkir untuk mengartikulasikan big data dan relevansinya pada seni rupa. Pun kami juga akan mengelaborasi beberapa hal, seperti: (1) Information, Big Data and Arts, yang mendiskusikan peran informasi dan data raksasa (big data) dan interseksinya dengan seni, terutama penciptaan seni yang berbasiskan pada informasi dan data seperti dalam ‘seni arsip’ (archival art). Hal tersebut juga terkait pada (2) Archiving Arts and Arts of Archiving: mendiskusikan tidak hanya proses pengarsipan karya seni tapi juga seni pengarsipan itu sendiri, terutama berkaitan dengan karya seni media baru yang berbasis digital; dan bagaimana memikirkan masa depan dalam (3) Relational Arts and Digital Interactivity: membahas seni yang dianggap mendorong bagi proses interaksi sosial dan ikut membentuk lingkungan sosial ketika berhadapan dengan teknologi internet/ digital yang memfasilitasi interaktivitas secara massif dan tak jarang intens.
Big Data dan Babak Baru Seni Rupa?
Jumat, 30 Juli 2021, pk. 15.30-17.30 WIB
Hokky Situngkir
Bandung Fe Institute
Budi Irawanto
Ketua Program Studi S3 Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa, Sekolah Pascasarjana, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Meeting ID: 893 5355 3651
Passcode: PSPSR
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#Forum30 #PSPSR #Aspirasiseni #TheFutureofArts