“Through the Layers: Welcome Maba Magister dan Doktor Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa”
The event will be held on:
Monday, February 19, 2024
starting at 09.00 AM
Ruang Sidang A Lt.5
Gedung Sekolah Pascasarjana
Universitas Gadjah Mada
*This event is required for all master and doctoral new students of Performing and Visual Arts Studies
The meeting began with remarks from the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., who emphasized the importance of preparation to ensure smooth learning. The Head of the Study Program also discussed the importance of good collaboration and communication between lecturers and staff to achieve optimal learning goals. During the meeting, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., re-explained the Vision, Mission, Expected Learning Outcomes, Learning Characteristics, and Graduate Profile of the Study Program. In addition, the meeting also discussed the lecture schedule while considering the availability of teaching time for the lecturers.
The courses offered in this even semester include: Arts Psychology; Aesthetics and Semiotics; Dance Studies; Arts, Science, and Technology; Visual Studies Theories; Visual Arts, Design, and Media Arts Studies; Conservation and Development of Traditional Arts; Visual Arts, Design, and Media Arts Critics; Theater Studies; Arts Research Methods; Music Studies; Performing Arts Critics.
It is expected that through the preparation initiated by this meeting, the even semester lectures can run smoothly, achieve optimal results, and contribute to the achievement of SDGs. (AU)
On Tuesday, 15 November 2022, at 08.30, Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada, received a visit from 5 delegations from Malaysia. They are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Syamsul Bahrin Zaibon (School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts, Universiti Utara Malaysia), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim (Associate Professor in Communications & Media Studies, Deputy Dean Research & Innovation, Faculty of Leadership & Management, University Science Islam Malaysia), Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Shamsul Arrieya Ariffin (Computing Department, Faculty of Art, Computing and Creative Industry, Sultan Idris Education University), Dr. Ahmad Hisham Zainal Abidin (School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts,
The Swatantra Festival collaboration concert entitled “A Visit to The Unseen” was held on November 5, 2022, at Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Carrying the spirit of creating inclusivity, freedom, and independence in art, Master students of Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada 2021 collaborated with the Jogja Disability Arts foundation to organize a series of community service events called the Swatantra Festival. Jogja Disability Arts is an arts organization with the mission of creating full participation and equality for people with disabilities in the field of arts and culture, both at the national and international levels. Furthermore, the Swatantra Festival collaboration concert title is expected to be an accessible art space for people with disabilities and create public concern and awareness through art as a media of socialization.
“Menyiasati Peluang Seni Membangun Ruang Inklusif dan Advokasinya”
Costrie Ganes Widayanti, Ph.D
Scholar and Researcher in Disability Issues
Fakultas Psikologi, Universitas Diponegoro
Slamet Thohari, S.Fil., M.A.
Sosiologi, Universitas Brawijaya
Cut Nailil Muna, M.I.Kom., M.Sn.
Founder Siji Art Management,
Doctoral Student at PSPSR UGM
The event is held on:
Kamis, 20 Oktober 2022
13.00 – 15.00 WIB
Zoom Meeting ID: 972 0511 7829
Passcode: AAP2
Join Zoom Meeting
*Dalam diskusi ini tersedia Juru Bahasa Isyarat
*Acara ini tidak berbayar dan tanpa registrasi
Jogja Disability Arts merupakan sebuah organisasi seni dengan misi mewujudkan partisipasi penuh dan kesetaraan bagi para penyandang disabilitas dalam bidang seni budaya, baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Pengabdian masyarakat merupakan salah satu pilar Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, serta menjadi salah satu program kegiatan tahunan yang rutin diadakan oleh program studi Magister Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa Universitas Gadjah Mada (PSPSR UGM).
Melalui spirit dan kemauan yang selaras dengan PSPSR UGM dan Jogja Disability Arts, maka diselenggarakanlah kegiatan kolaborasi berupa pertunjukan seni bersama komunitas-komunitas disabilitas di wilayah DIY. Dengan demikian, gelaran ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sebuah ruang seni yang aksesibel bagi para penyandang disabilitas, sekaligus mewujudkan terciptanya kepedulian dan kesadaran publik melalui seni sebagai media sosialisasi.
Dengan tema “A Visit to The Unseen”, merupakan pertunjukan kolaboratif antara mahasiswa program studi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa dan yayasan Jogja Disability Arts. Gelaran ini akan membawa pengunjung untuk menyelami perjalanan para difabel melalui tiga fragmen instalasi naratif dan pertunjukan musik, tari, dan teater. Lebih jauh, bentuk apresiasi yang diharapkan adalah publik tidak lagi menilai sebuah karya seni yang divisualisasikan oleh seniman difabel berdasarkan latar belakang mereka sebagai sosok dengan keterbatasan fisik.
Nantikan kolaborasi kami dan rekan-rekan Jogja Disability Arts dalam puncak acara 5 November 2022 mendatang.
“Mewacanakan Ulang Disabilitas dalam Seni”
Sukri Budi Dharma ‘Butong’
Disability Arts Activist, Jogja Disability Arts Foundation
Indah Darmastuti
Author, Founder of Difalitera
Budi Irawanto
Head of PSPSR UGM Doctoral Program
The event is held on:
Monday, September 26, 2022
15.00 – 17.00 WIB
held offline in Meeting Room A 5th floor, Postgraduate School Building, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (https://goo.gl/maps/bYhGKzaYSHqURLAeA)
Registration link: http://ugm.id/AAP1
Workshop on Writing Reputable International Scientific Journals
Resource persons: Bambang Sumintono, Ph.D. (Universitas Islam Internasional Indonesia)
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_Qn3exkAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Day, date: Monday, September 19, 2022
Hours: 09.00-11.00
Link: Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 925 2972 7172
Passcode: 506181
*Mandatory for all UGM PSPSR Master and Doctoral Program students
*Open to UGM PSPSR Lecturers and Alumni
*This event is free and unpaid
Master’s and Doctoral Programs in the Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies (PSPSR), Graduate School, on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, held an inaugural lecture with the theme “Beyond the Gate” at the 5th Floor Auditorium, Graduate School Building, UGM. Dr G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang attended this event as Head of Study Program Quality Assurance, Dr Budi Irawanto as Chair of the PSPSR Doctoral Study Program, Dr Rr Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari as Head of the PSPSR Masters Study Program, Ike Niken Salindri M.A. as the academic and financial staff of PSPSR, Agustinus Paulus Umbu Tali, M.A. as a quality assurance admin, Dr M. Bayu Tejo Sampurno as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Art Studies, and Deni Kristanto, M.A. as the Manager of the Journal of Art Studies and Multimedia Staff, as well as 60 PSPSR students.