Publishing Unit Activities
Publishing Unit of UGM manages activities that are closely related to publishing. At the moment the activity that is the core of this unit is the publication of the Jurnal Kajian Seni (JKS). In addition, several planned future activities are collecting and publishing student works, publishing teaching materials, and pioneering the publication of writings that are closely related to performing arts and visual arts studies.
Jurnal Kajian Seni (JKS)
Journal Kajian Seni was established in November 2014 and has been accredited Sinta 4 by Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesian Ministry of Education with printed version of ISSN 2356-296X and the online version of ISSN : 2356-3001. We are an academic journal that examines performing arts and visual arts with approaches and perspectives. Our focus and scope are:
- Performing Arts
Inter alia: Dance, Music, Ethnomusicology, Karawitan, Theatre, Puppet theatre, Performance Art, Television studies, film studies.
- Visual Arts
Inter alia: Visual Art, Plastic Art, Design, Installation, performance art.
Then, for those of you, who research about arts with interdisciplinary and perspectives analysis, such as anthropology, history, archeology, cultural studies, philosophy, textual, contextual, social science, media science, and another social approach, we are are going to wait for your article. Our journal is published twice a year, November and April.
Published Books
Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies has published 4 books that respond, dialogue, and negotiate phenomena, perspectives, and paradigms in the performing arts and visual arts studies.
- Play and Display: Dua Moda Pergelaran Reyog Ponorogo di Jawa Timur (author: G.R. Lono lastoro Simatupang)
- Kritik Pertunjukan dan Pengalaman Keindahan Edisi Baru (author: Sal Murgiyanto)
- Daya Seni: Bunga Rampai 25 Tahun Prodi Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan dan Seni Rupa
- Arts and Beyond: Prosiding Konferensi Nasional Pengkajian Seni