The Doctoral Program of Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies (PSPSR), Graduate School, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) received a visit from the Education in Arts (Doctoral) Program Universitas Negeri Semarang (UNNES) on Thursday, February 27, 2024. The visit was led by the Head of the UNNES Education in Arts Doctoral Program, Dr. Agus Cahyono, M.Hum., and was attended by 13 students of the program.
The event was opened by the Head of the PSPSR UGM Master’s Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., followed by an introduction session from both programs.
Dr. Agus Cahyono, in his speech, conveyed that the purpose of the visit was to realize the collaboration between the two programs, especially in the fields of education, research, and community service in the arts. Furthermore, Dr. Agus Cahyono explained the UNNES Doctoral Art Education curriculum, which focuses on developing arts and culture and art education.
Dr. Budi Irawanto, S.I.P., M.A., Head of the PSPSR UGM Doctoral Program, welcomed the visit and explained the brief profile of the PSPSR UGM Doctoral Program, including the curriculum and courses offered at PSPSR UGM. In the introduction session, the students introduced themselves and mentioned their dissertation topics.
It is hoped that through this meeting, further communication can be established between the students of both programs regarding research and development in the arts. (AU)
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The Master’s and Doctoral Program in Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies (PSPSR) of the Graduate School Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a welcoming event for new students called “Through the Layers” on Monday, February 19, 2024. The event was held in Meeting Room A, 5th Floor, UGM Graduate School and was attended by PSPSR lecturers, active students, and new Master’s and Doctoral students of PSPSR.
The event began with a welcoming speech by the Head of the Master’s Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah F., M.Hum. She explained the program’s vision and mission, program specifications, educational philosophy, graduate profiles, expected learning outcomes, courses, and lecturers of the PSPSR Program. Dr. Paramitha also introduced the SDGs (a series of goals set by the United Nations “UN” to achieve a better and more sustainable life for everyone on the planet).
In preparation for the even semester of the 2023/2024 academic year, the Master’s Program in Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, UGM Graduate School held a preparation meeting on Monday, February 5, 2024. The meeting was conducted online, led by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., and attended by lecturers who will be teaching in the even semester of AY 2023/2024.
The meeting began with remarks from the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., who emphasized the importance of preparation to ensure smooth learning. The Head of the Study Program also discussed the importance of good collaboration and communication between lecturers and staff to achieve optimal learning goals. During the meeting, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., re-explained the Vision, Mission, Expected Learning Outcomes, Learning Characteristics, and Graduate Profile of the Study Program. In addition, the meeting also discussed the lecture schedule while considering the availability of teaching time for the lecturers.
The Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies Program in collaboration with the Department of Culture (Kundha Kabudayan) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia held the International Panji Seminar, Tuesday (12/10) at the UGM Postgraduate School Auditorium.
The Panji International Seminar on this occasion presented speakers from various countries who discussed the cultural dynamics surrounding the Panji story in Southeast Asia. The resource person presented in this seminar was Dr. Lydia Kieven (Germany), Dr. Thaneerat Jatuthasri (Thailand), Dr. G.R. Lono L. Simatupang, M.A. (Indonesia), Dr. Soo Pong Chua (Singapore), Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A. (Indonesia), and Mrs. Ei Ei Thant (Myanmar).
Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies together with the Jogja Disability Arts Foundation held an International Seminar on Disability Arts: Creativity, Agency, Connectivity, Wednesday (11/8) at the UGM Postgraduate School Auditorium. This event was held as one of a series of Jogja International Disability Arts Binealle 2023 events. This seminar discussed the importance of discussing disability arts in its complex intersection with creative practices, empowerment actions and collaborative initiatives.
The Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies study program held a Sharing Session with Dr. Camilo Solinti Soler Caicedo from King’s College University UK, Thursday (21/9) in room 407 of the UGM Postgraduate School. This activity was attended by participants from various backgrounds.
The theme discussion is about Camilo’s dissertation research, especially about salsa dance and the things surrounding it. Salsa dance is full of diversity and cultural processes of creolization. It is not surprising that salsa dance which grows in an egalitarian culture can create works of various forms, even though it is still called salsa. This dance is full of symbols of people’s resistance to an ongoing system.
Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies program held first lecture for master’s and doctoral students, Thursday (24/6) in the Auditorium Room Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM. This inaugural lecture was held for new students to get to know more about the study program and the academic community involved in it. In addition, the inaugural lecture was filled with material presentation by Prof. Dra. Ra. Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D. Professor Yayi presented material with the theme “Studying Pressure on Mental Health and Its Management”. Overall, Professor Yayi’s presentation of the material emphasized that the course of study is not only concerned with achievement but the achievement of physical and mental health.
The Performing Arts and Fine Arts Study Doctoral Study Program is holding a series of Gladhi Nalar events to Bangkok, Thailand on August 6-9 2023. This activity is a means for doctoral students to be able to develop and gain a broader academic perspective, specifically in relation to ongoing student dissertation research.
On the first day, the visit was aimed at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA). This private museum consisting of 5 floors is located in Chatuchak, Bangkok. After that, the trip continues by visiting the Big Bee Garden, Bangkok, which is a place for honey beekeeping education with all kinds of production.
The PSPSR UGM Sharing Session was held again on Thursday (27/7) in Meeting Room 1 of the UGM Postgraduate School. The Sharing Session on this occasion invited guests from the Department of English, Linguistics & Theater Studies National University of Singapore (NUS) – Assoc Prof. Miguel Escobar Varela. The current Sharing Session focuses on the role of technology in art. Several breakthroughs were conveyed by Prof. Miguel regarding the importance of technology as a method in previous documentation so that the benefits can be reaped up to now. Prof. Miguel gave a discourse on the proportional documentation of wayang kulit in the 18th century AD and a discourse on the documentation of kinesthetic technology-based dance. This technological discourse can be used as a means for anyone to learn certain dances based on competent demonstrators.