The dance and music workshop was part of the community service program (Kolaborasa #2) organized by the 2023 cohort of Master’s students from the Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies Program. The workshop took place in Kenteng Hamlet, Madurejo Village, Prambanan District, Sleman Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta. It was held from August 11 to 17, 2024, and the results were presented on August 18, 2024, in the form of a cultural parade to celebrate the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia.
The workshop participants included 30 men, comprising local youth leaders, local artists, and residents of Madurejo. The goal of this activity was to introduce various music and dance creations for the cultural parade. The exploration of sound and movement aimed to expand the participants’ knowledge, enabling them to create local art forms without losing their distinctive characteristics, ensuring that local art is embraced by every generation. This activity demonstrates that PSPSR UGM students are actively contributing to the achievement of SDG No. 4 (Quality Education) and SDG No. 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
The participants showed great enthusiasm during the workshop, as demonstrated by how quickly they grasped the material. They were able to accurately play sound patterns using musical instruments and perform movements as directed by the workshop team. (AZ)