On Thursday, October 10, 2024, at the Auditorium Room on the 5th Floor of the Graduate School Building at UGM, the Master’s and Doctoral Program in Performing Arts and Visual Arts Studies, along with the academic community and its alumni, held a celebration for Prof. Dr. Timbul Haryono, M.Sc.’s 80th birthday (Sedasa Windu). Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M.Hum., the Head of the PSPSR UGM Master’s Program and coordinator of the event, stated in her introduction that Prof. Dr. Timbul Haryono, M.Sc. is an important figure in the PSPSR UGM Program. Since becoming the second Head of the Program (after Prof. R.M. Soedarsono), Prof. Timbul has been an integral part of the PSPSR UGM family.
The ceremonial cutting of the tumpeng (cone-shaped rice) as a symbol of gratitude was carried out by Prof. Timbul, starting with a prayer led by Dr. Rudy Wiratama, S.I.P., M.A. The event was enlivened by students, family members, and colleagues of Prof. Timbul, including shared memories from three speakers: Dr. Sugeng Nugroho, M.Hum. (Vice Rector for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Public Relations at ISI Surakarta), Manggar Sari Ayuati, S.S., M.A. (Head of BPK Region X), and Trisna Pradita Putra, S.Sos., M.M. (One of the authors of Sekar Sinebar, a book dedicated to Prof. Timbul, which was also launched during this event), as well as a comedy performance by the Double S group, in which Prof. Timbul had once been a part. The event culminated with a wayang kulit performance of the Ramayana by Dr. Bambang Suwarno, S.Kar., M.Hum. This 80th birthday celebration of Prof. Dr. Timbul Haryono, M.Sc. showcased the successful collaboration among the stakeholders of the PSPSR UGM program, in line with SDG goals 4 (Quality Education) and 17 (Partnership for the Goals). (AU)