Sekenteng Festival "Kolaborasa"

Postgraduate students of the UGM Performing Arts and Fine Arts Study Program (PSPSR) batch 2020 held community service activities in Pucungsari Village, Teneran Hamlet, Grabag, Magelang. This activity was accompanied by the Head of the Study Program, Dr. Rr. Paramitha Dyah Fitriasari, M. Hum. Community service activities are indeed one of the annual activities routinely held by the UGM Graduate School PSPSR study program. This activity involves students to go directly into the community and carry out various activities with the community. Service activities as a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The purpose of holding community service activities is as a means for PSPSR 2020 Postgraduate students to present dialogue in the field of art with the community, provide education, innovate visual arts to the community, and help revitalize local arts in Pucungsari village, Grabag sub-district, Magelang.
Pucungsari village, Grabag sub-district has a lot of potential for performing arts and fine arts that need to be introduced to the wider community. For this reason, in order to preserve the local cultural wealth so that it is not lost by the times, it is necessary to develop it. Entering the digital era, innovation and revitalization in traditional arts are deemed necessary. Therefore, this year, service activities focus on innovation and revitalization of the arts in Pucungsari village, which are packaged in the form of the Sekenteng Festival. With the theme “Treading Traditions in the Land of Teneran.” The activity was carried out for two days, starting from 06 to 07 November 2021.
The series of activities carried out at the Sekenteng Festival include the Dungo Sekenteng carnival, dance and ballet performances, ecoprint workshops, painting workshops, cultural dialogue, and the Sekenteng snack market. All the activities carried out involve all members of the Teneran village community consisting of fathers, mothers, young people, young children and teenagers. To expand communication networks in a cultural context. This series of activities was also collaborated with studios from outside the Pucungsari village area. The hope is that the Sekenteng Festival can become an annual event in Teneran Hamlet in an effort to maintain and develop local culture.